In order to save power, the municipal corporations are adopting LEDs on a large scale. South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) has already replaced around 1.5 lakhs conventional lights with LED lights — which have longer working efficiency and less power consumption. Replacement of the rest of 48,000 streetlights is expected soon to reach a total number of LED lights installed to 1.98 lakhs. This will further escalate to over 2.05 lakhs owing to coverage of parks and religious places. In the meanwhile, the councillors of 104 wards under SDMC will be provided with 100 LEDs each to be installed according to requirements in their respective wards.
Jumping on to this LED bandwagon are East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC) and North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC). While EDMC has already installed 1346 LED streetlights replacing traditional Sodium lights saving up to 50% electricity, the standing committee of North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) has recently passed a proposal for replacement of around 1.03 lakh streetlights with LEDs.