The new VividGroTM line from Lighting Science, tailored to the agricultural and horticultural markets, distinguishes itself from its industry peers due to its use of spectrally-optimized, photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR) delivery, which has been proven to support increased plant growth, development and yield.
VividGro’s performance-engineered, broad color spectrum can significantly stimulate plant growth while drastically reducing energy consumption by utilizing specific lighting wavelengths of 350 and 660 nanometers. These LED products have a rated life of 60,000 hours (L70), far longer than conventional HPS or other HID lamps, and are more energy efficient, using only 588W, compared to the 1000W used by standard HPS fixtures. VividGro’s unique design delivers optimal photosynthetically active radiation of 1081 umol/sec at center beam and fixture efficiency at 1.838 umol/J.
VividGro is suitable for both commercial growers and do-it-yourself horticulturalists. These commercial LED solutions are highly adaptable to both urban and agricultural environments, including greenhouses of any scale.